Technology Department

Mission Statement and Goals

The Technology Department’s mission is to build and expand the technology infrastructure that will promote, facilitate and enhance teaching, learning and working efforts of the students, faculty, and staff in a constantly changing world.

The DCSD Technology Department will utilize current and future technologies to provide instruction and information access to promote life-long learning. We believe that educational technology can shape the educational values of learning and achievement that will enable our students to learn and grow.

Our Goals include:

  1. Assist students to become proficient in the use of technology to increase their knowledge, improve their problem-solving abilities, improve their teamwork abilities, improve their reasoning skills, and apply technology meaningfully in their lives.

  2. Create learning environments that support and integrate curriculum with technology and state standards for students to achieve high academic accomplishments.

  3. Provide effective staff development opportunities to enable all district personnel to achieve professional technology proficiency.

DCSD Tech Logo

Job Title



Technology Director

Trent Birchell

Email Trent Birchell

Student Data/CTE Director

Lynn Sorensen

Email Lynn Sorensen

Technology Specialist

Ina Nielson

Email Ina Nielson

Technology Specialist

Tom Felkins

Email Tom Felkins

Technology Specialist

James Sasser

Email James Sasser

Network Administrator

Randall Evans

Email Randall Evans

Security Specialist

Quentin Eschler

Email Quentin Eschler


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